Argonauta Educational Programs, Inc.

Argonauta Educational Programs, Inc. is a non-profit corporation formed in 1975 in the state of California.  The primary purposes for which this corporation was formed are:

  1. To educate children in the Montessori Method of Education.
  2. To educate, instruct, and train adults to improve and develop their capabilities for the teaching and instruction of the special techniques and methods known as the “Montessori Method”.

Members of the Board of Directors

Elizabeth Bailey, Former School Director Maria Montessori School, San Diego, CA
Edgar Ball, Founder, Montessori Connections Website, Surprise, AZ
Gerald P. Cote, Certified Public Accountant, Poway, CA
Lo Ann Jundt, Executive Director Maria Montessori School, San Diego, CA
Carol Prendergast, Retired Montessori Administrator, past AMS Board member, San Diego, CA
Darlene Wells, Retired Montessori School Administrator, San Diego, CA

Officers of the Board

Lo Ann Jundt, President
Edgar Ball, 1st  Vice-President
Betty Bailey, 2nd Vice-President
Carol Prendergast, Secretary-Treasurer