Welcome from the Directors
“Whoever touches the life of the child, touches the most sensitive point of a whole which has roots in the most distant past and climbs towards the infinite future.” Maria Montessori
Dena Stoneman
School Director
Phone: (858) 270-9350
Email: mariamontessorischools@gmail.com
Shelley Smith
School Co-Director
Phone: (858) 270-9350
Email: mssmith@mmssd.com
As parents, one of the most important decisions we make is what kind of education we want for our children. Whether you are already part of our community or a curious parent searching for the right school for your child(ren), we are glad to have you here.
Our priority at Maria Montessori School is to provide a loving, nurturing, caring community for your children in which each is acknowledged as unique and special. Every child has his or her individual talents, gifts, and ways of learning which bring to our educational environment a richness and diversity for all children in every classroom.
Our world has become a global community requiring the engaged participation of all its citizens from the smallest family unit to the largest international political and social organizations. Your children are the future and we strive to enable our school to be among the finest educational environments to prepare them for the challenges that lie ahead.
Welcome to our community!