Foreign Languages
We introduce children to languages other than English at the Pre-K level. Pre-K children are exposed to a foreign language within the classroom setting.
In addition to learning words in each language, the children are also taught about the cultural aspects of the countries in which the language is spoken. They prepare and eat food from the countries, read stories about the history and peoples of the countries and discover how families live in those countries. We approach this study as a presentation of different cultures, rather than from a political standpoint.
Following the initial study, grades 1 through 6 students focus on in-depth spoken language in either Mandarin or Spanish as chosen by their parents.
Secondary students continue language studies of Spanish or Mandarin with weekly lessons: 4 hours per week for 7th – 8th grade students. Lessons at the secondary level include reading and writing assignments and are augmented by use of audio programs. Students may also select foreign language material to work on during “self-directed” time.
Spanish is offered because of our close proximity to the Mexican border and the large number of Spanish speaking people in Southern California.
Mandarin is currently being taught in many schools throughout the United States. By 2050, China may be the largest global economy in the world. Learning Mandarin today will prepare our students for their world tomorrow.