Standardized Tests
In May of each year, we administer tests that are standardized on national norms. Parents may decide whether or not their child will participate in the testing except for grades 6 and 8. Students in grades 6 and 8 are required to participate in standardized testing.
Grades 1 and 2 take The Gates-MacGinitie test which is used to assess reading skills.
Grades 3 – 8 take the SAT-10 (Stanford Achievement Test), and the Otis-Lennon 8, or OLSAT8, which is a school ability evaluation. By giving the SAT-10 with the OLSAT8, we are able to provide parents with a combined indication of how the child’s ability aligns with the child’s achievement.
Although testing is only one measure of accomplishment, we are quite pleased with the scores our students receive. Test scores for the past 6 years (grade levels 3-6) are available in the school office for viewing.